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Diseases & Conditions 03.05.2022
Treatment of diverticula with hydrocolontherapy
A natural cure for diverticula? The periodic hydrocolontherapy, to keep clean the intestine and prevent...
Benefits & Advantages 18.04.2022
How to overcome addiction to laxatives
Do you know how many side effects laxative drugs have? Lots of them. You can heal with hydrocolontherapy.
Diseases & Conditions 15.03.2022
Cystitis treatment and remedies: goodbye to this annoying problem
The main causes of cystitis and useful advice on how to treat it thanks to the use of hydrocolontherapy....
News 07.03.2022
Professional colon hydrotherapy
Professional colon hydrotherapy: a machine for surgeries, care homes and the hospitals.
Benefits & Advantages 15.11.2021
The benefits of hydrocolontherapy: advantages and methods
Hydrocolontherapy, intestinal washing with hot water, helps to expel fecal material and promotes the...
News 23.08.2021
Rectal irrigation: what does it consist of and to whom is it useful?
What is the rectal irrigation? What benefits could it bring?
Benefits & Advantages 14.06.2021
The domestic colon hydrotherapy
Domestic colon hydrotherapy can help re-establish the intestine's functionality, which is undermined...
Diseases & Conditions 11.01.2016
Colon hydrotherapy at home: when the intestine causes malaise
Colon hydrotherapy at home, thanks to Natur Life Style's devices; great benefits for wide spread disorders....
Benefits & Advantages 21.12.2015
Intestine cleansing: the mucus in the colon
Intestine cleansing in order to prevent the excessive presence of mucus, toxins and food residues.
News 14.09.2015
Cleansing of the intestine at home: the regulation unit's safety
Natur Life Style's BIO FLUFF cleansing of the intestine at home: How does the water pressure's regulation...